Do you need to exclude staff when measuring conversion rates?
In any brick and mortar retail business, one of the most necessary information is the number of visitors. While calculating footfall traffic numbers is seemingly a simple task, it becomes problematic when employees enter and exit the store and skew the visitors' data.
Especially if the staff-visitor ratio is high visitor numbers get affected easily by staff counts.

How filtering staff improves store performance

Store staff makes up a noticeable part of the total door counting traffic. During working hours, store employees enter and exit multiple times from different store entrances for their shifts, opening and closing the store, and lunch breaks, these actions skew visitors' data dramatically.
Excluding employees from the visitor count will get you the most accurate traffic data. Only with accurate traffic data, you can precisely calculate and optimize the conversion rate. Evaluate your store performance and analyze the areas for improvement based on facts and not assumptions for the most profitable results.
Improved Conversion Rate
and Store Budgeting 
With accurate data on the foot traffic in retail stores and filtered staff count, you can analyze:
Traffic patterns based on specific time frames:
high and low traffic hours. 
Customer-to-staff ratio:
understand if the store is overstaffed or understaffed according to traffic patterns.  
How is the conversion rate affected:
the most typical scenario of an understaffed store is the decline in conversion rates. 
How is the conversion rate affected:
is your store overstaffed during the low traffic hours or understaffed during the high ones? Accurate customer-to-staff ratio data will allow you to optimize store staffing efficiently.  

Things to pay attention to when choosing the right solution for you

Some retailers define their staff numbers based on a certain percentage of visitors. Sometimes these calculations work correctly. However, store managing based on prediction rather than facts leads to frustrating results.
To achieve the highest accuracy the number of personnel must be automatically removed from the number of visitors by a solution designed specifically for retailers.
Consider the investment. Modern, up-to-date retail analytics solutions expected to have a staff exclusion option as a feature, not as a separate device you will have to invest in and install.
Moreover, the solution must be anonymous and GDPR-compliant.